

“What I do

Is listen to the wind

Again like a child

Trying to put together

The necklace of word

After word.”


  Poetry is an essential part of the studio. Painting has always been closer to poetry for me by its subject matter than by its abstract qualities of music, a parallel/comparison beginning with Kandinsky to help explain non-objective painting. Yet to me a self-portrait by Rembrandt is perceived as a book of poems more than as a symphony.

  Since I began to write in high school, there have been decades of failure and solitary writing. Yet in each attempt there would be a line or image that I felt worthwhile to keep me going. Inch by inch I crawled along to where I was confident enough to give a reading at a recent opening of my paintings. This I would like to continue with future openings.

  Currently I am working on a book of poems illustrated with linoleum cuts.